It's true what they say, you know: we do all that we do in the pursuit of happiness - the jobs we fight for, the things we buy, the hobbies we take up, the circumstances we tirelessly try to change - all of it boils down to our need for the one thing that oftentimes eludes us; happiness.
And yet happiness is everywhere! It's draped all over the place like vines; we wake up everyday and it's right there, just waiting for us to grab it up. But we don't see it because we get up in a frenzy, bustling about; busier than bees with the ups and downs of our lives. If we were to just slow down for a minute we would see that we've actually been passing it by at every corner. We're the ones that have been neglecting happiness, not the other way around.
And so as I focused on 2011 and the moments that made me happy, I remembered my absolutely adorable God-children - that I'm crazy about - and the overwhelming happiness they gave me with their hugs and kisses, their giggles and their games; I remembered my mother - the most wonderful woman in the Universe who spends her days loving her family - and the times we spent eating pizzas from Big Banana on our girls' night out; I remembered laugh-out-loud get-togethers with my hilarious friends from the Arena; I remembered cosy days and movie nights with my other ten toes, and then I remembered that I promised myself to keep this blog short and so there isn't enough room for all my happy moments.
The bad parts of 2011 were basically the moments that I chose sadness over happiness. Sometimes the stresses of life got in the way and, more often than I'd like to admit, I left happiness in a corner to fend for itself.
Dear 2012, may thou be dubbed The Year of Happiness as I pursue it more vigorously than ever! I vow to laugh harder, smile as loudly as I can and to be more grateful for this sweet thing called life.
And so to all of you, out there in the blogosphere, I wish you all the happiness your heart can hold and I encourage you to LaUgH-OuT-LoUd! every chance you get: laugh with loved ones, friends, strangers, your pets...and most of all laugh with yourself.
Have the Happiest 2012!